Straight to DVD for a reason.
19 January 2019
Gina Carano: she's sexy, she's got screen presence, she has a couple of major blockbusters under her belt, and she could kick my butt. So why is she wasting her formidable talent in forgettable low-rent rubbish like this post-apocalyptic western from the director of Johnny English, of all people?

Carano, dressed head to toe in unflattering 'Mad Max meets The Man With No Name' garb, plays bounty hunter Attica Gage, who poses as criminal Chavo (Luvia Petersen) in order to infiltrate the gang led by Thomas Jackson (Ryan Robbins), the man who killed her sister.

Not only is this highly derivative stuff, but we soon lose all sympathy with Carano's character when she shoots a sheriff in cold blood (to protect her real identity from Jackson) and helps attack a group of innocent pilgrims to prove her loyalty to the villains (blowing up the occupant of an armoured vehicle). If we're supposed to care about Gage, this isn't the way to go about it.

Scottish actor John Hannah plays an ex-bounty hunter turned doctor and doesn't exactly nail the American accent.

4/10, just for Gina.
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