Serenity (I) (2019)
Not over your head- but maybe a bit too far to the side for most
26 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS!!!! Shocked at the bad reviews. This movie was genius. Not hard to comprehend, but I jumped into the head of a 13 yr old boy part way through... and all the previous weirdness made sense. It was all created by a kid- not a generic hollywood movie that people seem to be wanting (gag).

I was fascinated with the creation of an escape-world. I was on the edge of my moral reasoning seat- is killing the man the right thing to do? By father or son? Yes, you knew it was the son who would do it- the rest of the movie doesn't even actually exist outside his head... but would he?! Should he? The changing of the rules... how something so clearly wrong is morphed by the entire pretend universe by the creator of all.... to be the right thing, the compulsion.

This is a very sideways look at a child's processing of years of domestic violence. I loved the line, If I didn't catch fish I'd find a way to kill you. And- I loved that in the end- stepdad was a "construction worker"... not a gazillionaire. I am perplexed that all these gems, and so many many more, have fallen at the feet of movie watching zombies unable to appreciate these perspectives and escape into the escape.
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