This movie changes lives. A must see!!
29 January 2019
If you were one of the students who watched this event live, if you knew or know anyone working on the space program, if you know someone in an engineering field, if you recall the day of January 28, 1986 and how it stopped the world, you must watch this movie!! Memories that you had long stored will come back as we remember this tragic time in space history. Besides teaching an invaluable lesson, this movie honors the sacrifice of the heroes lost, and brings hope for justice to the men who tried to prevent it, but were pressured to carry the burden of this tragedy for the rest of their lives. Details unknown by many until now are presented, and are quite an eye-opening for many that need to know. Growing up I dreamed of being an astronaut & even knew of a neighbor who worked at NASA. I knew a lot about space at my young age. The day of The Challenger's tragedy I watched it live with my classmates at school. We were so excited for all of the amazing astronauts, and because of Mrs. Mcauliffe. That day my kid's heart was destroyed, along with my dreams. I became an engineer instead, and this movie is so powerful in the way it portrays what engineers have to go through in their daily jobs. All engineers will be able to identify to each of these characters. I still love space and have taken my kids to see 3 attempted launches, which were cancelled at the last minute in the past years. After watching this movie, I now understand why they were cancelled, and would not take it any other way. I took my teenager kids to watch this movie and they loved it! This movie should be watched by all adults now who were adults/kids then, and by the current younger generations as they prepare into their careers and into becoming good and caring citizens of the world. The world needs more of this!!
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