Superfan here who is changing his mind after seeing this documentary...
6 March 2019
I'm a big fan of Michael Jackson and I wasn't in the US at the time of the scandals so I missed all the media coverage and seeing this documentary was an eye opening experience. Understanding MJ's life, however, was not as important as my realization and understanding of sexual abuse and the life long lasting physiological effect it has on people. I feel a little ashamed for defending MJ for so many years as I was convinced these gentlemen were speaking the truth. You can't make this up with so much detail that matches the documented parts of his life. The entire family feels shaken up when they portray their experience and I just can't imagine that all members of two families would be such good actors to make this all up. I am certain there will be much more talk about this documentary but I hope these gents and many other victims who watch this piece will benefit from it on their journey of healing. I wouldn't have watched it, had it not involved MJ and now I am educated about sexual abuse. So some good came out of it. I hope more people watch it.
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