A Story of our times: how fame can make you get away with almost anything
6 March 2019
The Jacksonphiles are screaming like banshees in denial...well they are just that: peripheral extras buying into the illusion for years and now seeing it crumble whilst refusing point blank to accept the evidence, any evidence. I am very concerned about the "reviewers" here saying the testimonies of the two protagonists are not credible: they are amongst the most believable and moving things I have ever seen, The Jackson cultists have crossed the (perhaps thin to start with) threshold away from human empathy and nothing will shake them from their untenable position. Let us hope they will never be called to serve on jury dities. This documentary is a MUST. Let us hope that this and the #metoo movement will signal the turning of the tide and that we will be able to recognise more easily and we will adopt the belief in the victims as our default stance.
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