Stuff it and roast it for Thanksgiving
11 March 2019
Hammy performance by Chris Pine or maybe his character was far too broadly written. Anyway, his scenery chewing got old fast. He's been a lot better elsewhere.

I didn't find the series suspenseful at all. It needed a better script (a way better script) for that. I wasn't buying any of these characters, and was surprised to find out afterward George, Fauna, and Tamar Hodel were real people. Here they seem invented in the writers' room.

This would have made a passable 90-minute film. Instead the story (such as it was) was stretched out over six boring episodes of a mini-series. Seriously, I dozed off during every one and had to keep rewinding. I stuck with it because I kept waiting for it to get better, or at least, deliver a big payoff at the end. Instead it just trudged on and then sputtered out in episode six. What a waste of time.

If they were to bring this back for another season, it definitely would not be on my watch list.
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