American Gods: House on the Rock (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Work on the WRITING!!!!! Becuz u have destroyed 1 of the best shows on tv!!
12 March 2019
I understand Fuller left & there has been constant chaos behind the set! But come on the writing was truly aweful! I mean the show is still beautiful! But starz why couldn't u have just given Brian Fuller the money he needed! Now ur going way way way off script with a capture torture scene could u get anymore cliche! This is Niel Gaiman he's so far from cliche it's not even funny! I mean the first season was like poetry! It had this beautiful rythem to it & now u have destroyed everything with 1 episode! Now u have critics from EW & Empire the two biggest Entertainment magazines in the world saying there not going to watch ur show anymore! This was my favorite show from 2017 & u have completely ruined it! Because ur cheap & lazy and didn't take time to make the script work!
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