Rope always has had a bad rap in America . . .
17 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . whether it's "industrial hemp" being raised clandestinely under grow lamps by "George Washington's" stoner brigade, or "strange fruit" lanyards dangling from the trees in "Nina's" backyard. This taint of disdain for the so-called "Judas Lasso" permeates TRIBUTE TO A BAD MAN from beginning to end. Title character "Rodock" suffers periodic bouts of "hanging fever," primarily because he lives more than 200 miles from the nearest guns and ammo shop. Bullets are few and far between. (Just close your eyes, and listen to the near absence of "Peacemaker" action on TRIBUTE's soundtrack.) As "Dirty Harry" knew all too well, life gets really complicated when you're constantly counting rounds fired (especially if you did not major in math!). Who's going to make a 400-mile round trip detour to pick up a couple boxes of ammo on their Sunday afternoon jaunt to the Firing Range?! Throughout TRIBUTE, the frustrated, under-armed "Rodock" dances around like a dope on a rope. All the more reason for YOU to remember Today to support your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps)!
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