The Twilight Zone: The Mighty Casey (1960)
Season 1, Episode 35
A big wind comes to the Zephyrs
26 April 2019
This Twilight Zone episode tends to be a bit whimsical, a tale that could have come from the pen of a Damon Runyon or a Paul Gallico. It's another Joe Hardy type player who comes to the Zephyrs and moves them considerably up in the baseball standings.

It's mighty Casey, a pitcher who is a robot played by Robert Sorrells and who was created by Abraham Sofaer who must be a baseball fan because Casey has built into him a fast ball like Sandy Koufax and a sweeping curve like Warren Spahn. Casey is mowing them down at the plate and the Zephyrs are on the move to the delight of their manager Jack Warden.

As for Paul Harvey's 'rest of the story'. One can look to Star Trek the Next Generation and Data's quest to become more human. Or even more simply to Jack Haley's wish in The Wizard Of Oz.
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