Rampant (2018)
Enjoyable but overlong and flawed South Korean zombie effort
4 May 2019
After returning to his kingdom, a troubled prince finds that the political intrigue against his father is not the work of a rebel unit but a horde of flesh-eating zombies unleashed on the country and must rally a group of fellow warriors who trust in him to take out the creatures and regain the kingdom.

There was quite a lot to like with this one. Among it's finest qualities is the manner in which the zombie outbreak is featured here being loosened upon the populace, infecting the outer regions of their control and slowly working towards the capital. With a special rename into Demons which is appropriate enough for the time period of the film, the action on display takes on nearly a wuxia form of interplay. As this includes some fascinating jumping and wirework stunts with the infected shown to be quite athletic in addition to more traditional shambling hordes style zombies, there's plenty to like with the rampaging hordes loosened upon the city creating all sorts of havoc. The action here brought about by that setup works exceptionally well. The early assault on the village is a great start to matters, letting its feudal setting get put to use with the horde crawling over huts and various buildings to get at the victims while all manner of hand-to-hand and swordfighting occurs on the streets below. The massive ambush on the palace that alerts everyone to the true plight before them is a standout sequence letting the overwhelming number of creatures into the grounds swarming over everyone while numerous mini-battles are featured throughout the complex. Likewise, the finale inside the overtaken palace where all the reinforcements are brought to bear on the creatures and more dynamic close-quarter fighting creates a special high-energy finish to this one letting loose with plenty of gore and bloodshed alongside the zombie make-up. These are what really stand-out in the film. That said, there are some major flaws with this one. The biggest problem here is the typically overlong and plodding pacing that exemplifies so many of these productions. The continuous dealings of the court-system and political intrigue over the rebels that are claimed to be responsible for the turmoil are not in the slightest bit interesting and really slow this one down to a crawl at times. The major dealings in the courtrooms filled with concubines and observers detailing the various conspirators against the kingdom are boring and really seem ludicrous for how deep into the film they keep going with this storyline. This traitor aspect of the film is also part of what makes this so long for the most part. The film draws these segments out interminably long, consisting of way too many talk-heavy sequences in the kings' chambers that go by incredibly slowly before launching into rapid-fire action scenes with the zombies. This is a disparaging combination of tactics where it tries to reasonably mix a historical palace drama with a ravenous zombie movie due to the way these sections are filmed. Overall, these issues make the film too long for its own good.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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