Review of Mind Game

Mind Game (I) (2004)
A masterpiece of animation cinema that redefines the limits of imagination.
25 June 2019
This movie pulls so many things flawlessly off, I didnt think were possible. The Artstyle and animation are some of the best Ive seen in my life (actually there are several artstyles that are unified by the same style of animation). Unique, exagerated, stylized, fluent, energetic, vibrant. The editing is artistic, yet it lets you easily follow whats going on. The characters seem a bit one-dimensional at first, but gain depth when the movie slows down. Even the soundtrack and sound design is top notch. From poppy, slower songs to powerful and fast drum solos, from the breathing sounds to auditorial dramatisation of emotions.

Mind game is stupid and smart at the same time, flat and phyilosophical. It presents itself as peak-artsy, but in such an silly and innocent way that you simply have to love it.

This is a trippy, exagerated journey and introspection. One that not only teens and early 20s people might enjoy, but pretty much everyone who can handle crazy.
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