The Nightmare (II) (2015)
I didn't just watch this, I lived it
23 September 2019
Here is the thing. I will tell a little story. You can choose to believe me or not. But it will explain why I gave this movie a perfect rating.

The movie is a documentary about different people who experience sleep paralysis. Basically, you are so called "dreaming" but you cannot move anything or say anything. You are frozen and things happen around you. There are different forms. Some just can't move certain parts. Others, cannot move anything.

My story. When I was little I had sleep paralysis for years. It wouldn't be every night, but a few times a week. It was the same every time. I was frozen and I would hear someone enter my room and taunt me. Breath in my ear, touch my body and then finally grabbing me. Which then I would "wake up" screaming in cold sweat. My body would be tingling all over and I felt drained and sick. One night before I went to bed, I decided to fight. So I laid on my back and waited. I kept repeating to myself over and over "I will not be frozen tonight".

So I closed my eyes and then instantly reopened them. Everything was silent. I couldn't move, I was frozen. The so called entity was in my doorway, but I was frozen with my eyes at the ceiling. It got closer and closer and I started realizing I couldn't breath, but then I remembered what I said, "I will not be frozen tonight". After that I was able to move my hands. Then I realized I wasn't frozen anymore. So I sat up as fast as I could screaming "I AM NOT FROZEN!" In my doorway was a dark silhouette of a man in a black coat and hat; like from the 1950's. After I saw him he ran out of the room. Right after, my mom ran in my room. She heard me yellow "I am not frozen" and came to see if I was ok. Pretty crazy huh?

So fast forward 15 years later since I had this happen. I am sitting down to watch this movie with my love Alyssa. We get part way in and they start asking people, who was the man they saw. Most of them said.....the man in a black coat and hat. Just then Alyssa looked at me and my eyes teared up. She tried to snap me out of it, but I was so scared I couldn't even talk. How could this be real? When that happened to me, the internet wasn't even a thing yet. So I couldn't of even heard about it. Plus I was just a little kid and no one else had it happening to them. After that, I wasn't myself for a week and I couldn't even sleep that night.

Pretty crazy huh? What do you believe? Has this happened to you? Also I have not been able to watch this film again and probably never will for it may bring it all back to me and the man in the black coat and hat would visit again.
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