30 September 2019
Someone told me about this movie years ago and, for whatever reason, they thought it was a serious documentary. It isn't, but it sort of seems like one, though. Honestly, if you aren't a fan of 80's punk, I'd think this one would wear on your nerves pretty quick but, happily, I am so it was OK but not great. This subject matter of lower class youth with no future has been covered before in numerous other films and, having been heavily involved in the punk subculture for over 25 years, starting in the early 80's, you'd think I'd have more sympathy for the characters in this film but I really don't. It didn't end well for many of the people I knew back then and, apparently, it didn't end well for some of the guys in this flick, either. The shanty town portrayed in the movie is clearly a mess, but it's the bad attitude that dooms you. Period. The lack of character development doesn't help, either, and the film just kind of rambles on, but I found it enjoyable enough and it has a great soundtrack. If you feel you need to see every depressing punk rock or juvenile delinquent flick ever made, then you probably need to see it; if you are looking for fun, punk rock shlock south of the border, watch "Intrepidos Punks" because this thing is pretty much a non-stop downer and not fun at all.
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