Preacher: End of the World (2019)
Season 4, Episode 10
I'm thankful for this weird and fun show
2 October 2019
It's been so much fun following this show's journey since the pilot, and I'm really glad I decided to leave amc on that night because I was hooked from the first scene. This show's style of humor is so crazy that it stands out as original flare. I did notice somewhat of a shift in tone from darkly ridiculous humor to just ridiculous humor after the first season (which is such an incredible season), but I didn't really care that much because the stories were entertaining and the show still made me laugh. This finale was pretty great, and the end was so beautifully macabre that it struck the memory of watching the pilot the night it aired, when I immediately knew I would follow this bat-s**t crazy show to the end. I never read the comic, but I know I will someday to better understand the characters and plot-lines, even though I hear the show is significantly different. I just want to go back and experience the goosebumps of seeing this show for the first time. It's as different from every other comedy as Twin Peaks is from every other crime drama, and I'm really sad to see it go but thankful it had a full run and a really touching finale. I'm gonna miss Cassidy the most. Bye Preacher.
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