Review of Emergence

Emergence (2019–2020)
So far, not impressed . . .
5 October 2019
Despite the presence of Tolman, an actress I always enjoy watching, the show's just a so-so rehash of many others that have gone before - a mysterious kid with super powers.

Comparing this to Stranger Things just doesn't cut it because so far it exhibits none of the humor, charm or 80s satire that makes Stranger Things work. Emergence is (gulp) dead serious.

Emergence's premise appears to be an ongoing mystery that the creators hope will run on for years unsolved, ala Lost. It's even telegraphed that intention by putting Terry O'Quinn in the third episode (oh God, noooo).

Sigh. Why has nobody in broadcast TV yet figured out that Lost was a one-off fluke and not a groundbreaking TV genre. Every show that's tried Lost's format has failed. I'm afraid that Emergence is probably going to succumb as quickly as the others did.

Hoping for the sake of cast and crew, I'm wrong. But I'll be surprised if this gets a run of more than a season or two.
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