Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019 Video Game)
Huge wasted potential. 8/10 if it had good maps.
30 October 2019
Review Edit August 2020:

My main critisim of Modern Warfare's horrendous map design still stands. However, over its life cycle, the amount of free content and substantial updates released is very commendable. Included are many better but still not great maps, many of which remakes of old ones, new interesting weapons, game modes, and of course Warzone, which I think is one of the better BR modes out there. Its outstanding variety has come to be it's biggest strength. I was going to raise the score to a 7/10, but with all of these updates, as we know, the game has bloated into an insane 200 GB file size. This is outrageous and there is no excuse. I don't care if you can split it up for Campaign, MP, and so on. It's an issue of laziness and inefficiency with it's coding structure and is, frankly insulting to people with limited hard drive space. For that reason, I lowered the score back to a 6/10, average on my scale. If the CoD continues on this path with this business model while rediscovering good map design and playstyle variety demonstrated by Black Ops 2, I believe that future titles could be legitimately great games as well as finncaial successes.

Review at release:

Single Player: Their campaign they put together was above average and I appreciate it staying grounded in reality, touching on some concivible Modern problems, albiet while making some aggressive attempts to shock you. It is also very short, less than 5 hours. Multiplayer:

-2v2 Gunfight is complety lacking creativity and is not a flagship mode for the future, despite this game's greath gunplay. -GroundWar is an aimless disaster with no resemblence of strategy, map control, battle lines, or meaningful cooperation on 2 equally awful maps. -Regualar MP is refined in most ways with the exception of Custom Class which is lacking in depth despite the huge amount of weapon attachments, which overall makes a neglagable imapct on your weapon. THE BIGGEST ISSUE by far with Modern Warfare is the maps! I hated every single one of them besides maybe Azir Cave, which is only tolerable. They aren't "chaotic", but they are all designed in a way that makes advancing to new positions impossible, which ruins all objective game modes. Every time you turn a corner there are 15 different places you can get shot from and it makes camping the only viable playstyle, even for TDM. This problem is un-fixable and destroys almost every type of experience you can have, and more casual players WILL get fed up with it soon enough, even though they aren't right now. As someone who has played CoD since MW2, there are things I expect in regards to balence that you probably won't pick up on untill you've played the game longer. The maps are a complete deal breaker for me, the worst in any video game I've ever played.
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