My score mostly is because the filmmakers manage to make so much of such a tiny budget.
3 November 2019
"The Vast of Night" was recently purchased by Netflix and so it should soon appear on the website. For now, it's playing the film festival circuit...and I saw it at the Philadelphia Film Festival. I am glad I did, as the movie really managed to produce a huge bang for very few bucks. To make up for the low budget, the movie is very dark and makes the most of creepy music and a creepy atmosphere.

The story is designed like an installment of a 1950s teleplay--a movie made for television. It opens on a television screen and soon the camera pans in and the movie begins in earnest. It is set in a tiny Texas town and stars mostly two folks, a young man and his teenage lady friend. The pair hear strange sounds at night that are unexplained...and the rest of the town never notices since nearly everyone else is at the local high school basketball game. What are the sounds and who is responsible? Watch the film!

The director is the star her as well as the folks who created the look of the picture. A must-see for young filmmakers who need to see how to make a very good film for next to nothing! In fact, a lot of big-name Hollywood filmmakers also might benefit from seeing this as well!
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