Review of Watchmen

Watchmen (2019)
Watchmen in Spirit!
11 November 2019
"This is not like the comics!" "This is not like the movie!" Are two complaints about this show you will likely hear a lot. Neither are relevant.

This is a continuation in the spirit of the comics. And it's precisely why it's worth your time. Unlike the soulless page for page movie adaptation - all style, no substance - this show knows its roots, understands its roots and honors them, but without feeling like just a copy, another attempt to do something unachievable on a screen. It knows things change with the medium.

The showrunners know the source material, they understand it, and have crafted a believable continuation that borrows from the comics but is not the comics. This is inspired and influenced by Watchmen, but steeped in the real past, as well as the real present. It's a brilliant "What if?", to frame in something familiar to comic book lovers.

It's a confident show that does well in balancing flash and substance. Race, bigotry and brutality are a big part of the substance (and this is likely to expand). There is action, there is humor, even if mostly dark, and, especially important, there is Jeremy Irons!

When the world looks up and shouts "Who watches the Watchmen?", we should look down and whisper "We do."
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