Van Johnson 'steals' Keenan Wynn's girl.
19 November 2019
I found this movie a bit ironic. In real life, Van Johnson married Keenan Wynn's wife. It apparently was a studio-arranged marriage because they wanted to hide that Johnson was gay...and Johnson's pal, Keenan, went along with this strange marriage. In the movie, they also end up going for the same woman...and Johnson steals her from Keenan...talk about art imitating life!

When the film begins, Mike (Johnson) and Slinky (Wynn) are coming home from the war. Mike is anxious to get home as soon as possible and marry his childhood sweetheart. All Slinky is interested in doing is taking advantage of his 'pal'. When he arranges to have Mike interviewed on the radio because he's a Medal of Honor recipient, Mike refuses....and Slinky goes on...pretending to be Mike!

There are, of course, complications. Mike is all set to get married...and his mother begs Susan, the lady who has the radio show, to keep Mike in town for a couple more days. Why? Because his girlfriend is married...and his mom wants to break it to him gently. In the meantime, Slinky is smitten with Susan...though eventually she falls for Mike. What's next? And, how do Mike and Slinky end up sharing a hotel room with a couple strangers? See the film.

When this movie debuted, it was a bomb. However, when you see it today it seems like a decent enough and entertaining film. Why it bombed, I have no idea. Perhaps folks were tired about hearing about the war and folks didn't want to see a film about two returning vets. Who knows?

Now I am NOT saying it's a great film..it sometimes tries too hard to be kooky (such as the Russian Countess). Additionally, the plot doesn't always make all that much sense...though it is enjoyable and the actors give it their all. I also liked the little kid who played the piano (Frank 'Sugar Chile' Robinson)--he was adorable and very talented....and just seeing him makes the film worth while!
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