Computer generated abomination
24 November 2019
This film is hard to watch. There isn't a single "scary" scene that isn't pulled of with CG. It's hard to be afraid of a creature that belongs to the digital realm. The creators should only be afraid of how poorly this technology ages. Film that rely on this end up aging terribly (within a few years). The actor who portrays pennywise is great, I don't know why they used him so little in order to use this powerpoint created abomination. The suits in Hollywood have taken the fun away from making films. Now they are done surrounded by green or blue screens and doing everything in post. This film isn't scary, and that's something a horror film can never be. It has the stupidest comedy to "lower" the horror. The comedy and the horror doesn't work. Don't support films like this, don't be those test audiences that are shaping Hollywood into the computer generated disaster it has become.
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