Review of I See You

I See You (II) (2019)
It is a clever film with some genuine surprises in the story
18 December 2019

Plot: Jackie Harper is trying to fix her marriage after her affair with her high school sweetheart but her husband and son is not making it easy. To make things worse there is a creepy presence in the house.

The poster seemed cool and I thought it would be cool horror film. It is actually a mystery/thriller film, not a horror film.

There are three phases in the film. First phase revolves around the Harper family and the little strange occurrences that happens around the house. As the film progresses those strange events become increasingly creepy. There is also the drama centering the unfaithfulness of the wife. First phase takes almost 60 percent of the run time. I loved this phase, I had no idea what was going on, lots of questions were running around in my head. Then comes the second phase which takes a totally different turn in terms of cinematography and the tone of the film. Some hand held shots were used which distracted me from the ambience created by the first phase. This is the weakest phase of the film. Thank god it was the shortest phase as well.

The last phase shows lots of details and tries to tie the story lines. I liked most part of this phase as well. The tone of the film shifts here as well.

The acting was good by all the actors and music was nice as well. The frog mask is creepy. There were some solid twists which surprised me.

As the film has distinct phases and goes from mystery to thriller to action the overall experience diminishes a little. The production value is low and sometimes feels like a low budget TV-movie. There are some inconsistencies in the story.

I enjoyed the film. It is a clever film with some genuine surprises in the story. I liked the creepy ambience of the film and also the little dramas between the characters. Short run time also works in the favor of the film.
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