Bikes vs Cars (2015)
Serious problems, and falsehoods in this film, make what should be a bike positive argument a cranky bit of nonsense.
26 December 2019
Really there are several core constructs in this film that are nonsense. peer reviewed work show the issue is not "corporate" or "big business" issues, but needs and attitudes of the massive majority of Americans who own cars. Data show bike riding is not a substitute for over 95% of them. Ironically the biggest resistance to other personal high efficiency transport such as human powered scooters, motorized scooters and even motorized bikes, is organized bike advocacy groups. Also left out of this film altogether is the fact that peer reviewed work shows places with mandatory bicycle helmet laws, mandatory bike bells and lights, and mandatory bike registration have way lower death rates on bikes per ca[pita mile ridden by bike. Yet the bike advocacy groups, including ones in this film -- fight against such laws tooth and nail.
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