Fast Color (2018)
Not worth it. Probably.
22 January 2020
The movie starts off with pretty terrible narration. There's also some bad music. There's actually a lot of bad music that seems to only be there to fill time. While a lot of the acting is kinda flat, there are some somewhat decent performances.

Ok so I got to a little over 20 minutes into the movie, during which I took the above notes. As someone who watches A LOT of movies and shows with superpowered characters, I think I can safely say that this one isn't worth watching. Its just kind of flat and bland and I wasn't really compelled to keep watching. The music was pretty irritating, and there wasn't really any kind of story hook to make me want to keep watching. If you'll watch movies for the sake of watching movies then you might(?) like this one but otherwise I'd say to pass this one and put on a Marvel movie. Or just watch Epithet Erased.
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