Concussion (2015)
In Spanish the title is "The truth is painful" but in the pockets of the magnates
28 January 2020
We always learn with good films, and this is the case. Dr Omalu (Will Smith) asserted that many animals have better protection of their head and brain than the human being, e.g. the tongue of the woodpecker extends through the back of the mouth out of the nostril, surrounding the entire skull, which becomes a kind of safety belt for that vital organ. The human being has none of that, you hit your head and you stay with the blow, which in the medium term will bring fatal consequences, many more if repeated weekly. The film is a clear evidence of the abuse of the human being in American football, sport causing several deaths for the same reason. The NFL's attitude is quite similar to that of cigarette producers in the 1990s. They denied all the damage that tobacco caused to human health. The racial aspect is again addressed in the film. Dr Omalu arrived in the US with an idea, which later changed. Good acting of Will Smith and Alec Baldwin, both demonstrated one again their versatility to play different roles.
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