Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Does Not Live up to the Source Material
11 February 2020
I am a bit sad to see one of my most anticipated adaptations end up being just mediocre. This is not bad, by any means, but if I was not such a fan of the comic book, I would skip it(and would likely rate it lower).

This was supposed to be ominous, but with a glimpse of excitement. Key House exploration and the discovery of the keys should have left me with a sense of wonder. Instead, it all felt so...mundane.

Maybe I was spoiled by the HBO adaptation of Joe Hill's father. For better or worse, the second season of Castle Rock had amazing talent behind the camera. The direction here is pedestrian. I didn't feel curious about the house, I didn't feel any exhilaration when the first keys were revealed. Nor did I feel any apprehension around some important scenes around a certain well; the quick cuts there were uninspired, to say the least.

A shame since the casting is decent - the actors look the part and act as well as they are allowed to by the script. Though, as much as I like Connor Jessup, his younger Fallen Skies self would have been better - aren't we all tired of 25 year olds playing high school?

Long story short - if you're looking for some mystery/fantasy, and have nothing better to watch, this might scratch an itch, but not much else.
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