So close
1 March 2020
Jo Beth Williams plays a bored housewife who writes a story for her favorite series of novels and wins a trip to Paris. It is clear at the start that Cathy loves her family but is unfulfilled and bored in her marriage. This storyline actually reminded me of the tv show "Scarecrow and Mrs. King." Of course, she ends up with a bonk on the head and runs around thinking she is the main character of the books, Rebecca Ryan. Rebecca is kind of a female James Bond type. This is where things don't quite work for me. "Rebecca Ryan's logic" seems to not make any sense and losing your memory doesn't make you lose logic at the same time. Eventually she runs into Tom Conti who is the actual writer of the Rebecca Ryan books. But he is miscast here. The character should have been a more exciting character (and maybe handsome) and the relationship should have been more developed to show someone that Cathy eventually would leave her husband for. It also doesn't quite work because the character is an author so why would he be any help in a real life international conspiracy? It would make for a great remake with some of the problems fixed.
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