"Those poor little children..." A dark gem of a short!
2 March 2020
Wow well for a start I really don't get why some people seem to downright hate this horror short so much, as I found it to be one of the better and more gripping short films to focus on an iconic horror character that I'd seen in a long while, I was impressed by how it actually managed to instil a little depth and a small measure of something akin to sympathy in a character as gleefully evil and cruel as Freddy Kruegar, but for me they did it by showing that Freddy's ultimate evil came from a tragic and hopeless place and just what a truly twisted fiend who never had a chance he really was... It's played completely straight and is a mini prequel that features a still living but already plenty unhinged and completely remorseless Freddy on the night of the confession of his grisly crimes against the innocent as he wavers between maniacally taunting his captors about the children he's murdered and lucidly going through some of the events in his pathetic nightmare of a life that led up to him discovering his wicked calling almost by accident, when, as a filthy vagrant he felt the first bit of power he ever did when a group of children were scared of him, a power he soon came to embrace and use against the helpless children of Springwood... I can see how some might have taken issue with how he didn't have the trademark witchy Robert Englund look to his face, but I loved Kevin Roach as Freddy, he was so full of manic energy and was so creepy that he just nailed it, he had the look of someone you'd want to move away from on the bus and for me he really made the short work and gives credence to the idea of Freddy being played (well) by anybody other than Englund someday. I just thought he captured the sadistic essence of Freddy as he was before he became a wisecracking slaughtering jokester very well, and it was great to see a little of the dark and serious version of him again, although there are also possible hints at his twisted sense of humour there to! I also personally appreciated the small detail of how it brought home that Freddy was a originally a child murderer and not so much a pervert, and here at least he only loves to subject the children to as much terror as possible in his hellish boiler room before moving in for the kill... I loved the callbacks to Freddy's Dead and the original movie's style of font in the opening credits, as well as suggesting that he had a deeper reason for seeking out nancy. I've seen some real rotten excuses for short films involving famous horror villains in my time that are truly not worth the time to watch them, but this one hooked and kept me interested right to the end, just by Roach's excellent performance. I could seriously watch a whole feature of the story that leads up to the fateful burning, it could work, and this short shows that. Decide for yourself what you think of it, because it's well acted and definitely worth watching! Thanks x
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