Aziz Ansari: Right Now (2019 TV Special)
Is Aziz Ansari OK?
22 March 2020
Right Now is nothing short of an hour-long rant by Aziz Ansari disguised as comedy. Aziz Ansari, far from being his usual hyper self, spends the show sitting on a stool discussing hard topics.

Aziz wastes no time digging into the year-old controversy that tarnished his career. He also discusses some awkward topics from Michael Jackson to R Kelley and even throws in a a 9/11 joke. There are ways to incorporate these topics into comedy, but I don't think Aziz did it right. There were more times I felt myself cringing than laughing in this show.

This special did not feel very "Aziz Ansari" at all. He drifts from his usual bread-and-butter near-manic style comedy for a calmer demeanor. The topics he discusses have genuine feeling in them and are heavy in nature. He shares how he has grown and moved past the controversy surrounding him. I get it, Aziz had a tough year and it has taken an impact on him. But is this the right venue to vent?

Broken by last year's events, Aziz moves on. Aziz meanders more topics sharing his thoughts on different topics. He talks about the current culture of "woke" but throws a shallow joke before going deeper. His obsession with such heavy topics takes away from the rest of the show. People watch comedy specials to laugh, not to feel bad about themselves.

1.5/5. Feels more like a therapy session than a comedy special. And I'm usually a fan of Aziz Ansari's work.
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