If only this film was better known
26 March 2020
Am being very serious about that. After seeing a lot of good but not great films, mixed bags and mediocrities or less recently in the comedy genre (and with melodramas), it was refreshing to have a comedy with a story that sounds silly on paper and not have the most appetising of titles (my opinion) that was actually very good. Even being very close to being a gem, if anybody getting into older films and screwball types of comedy and wants to know what the fuss is about, 'If You Could Only Cook' is a very good representation.

Saw it because of liking Jean Arthur and this type of comedy. Herbert Marshall is more hit and miss for me but it does depend on the role, he did have great meaty characters in his career but also dull ones that don't give him enough to work with. Have always tried, something that has been said frequently, to appreciate comedy of all kinds and decades, from the sophisticated and witty kind to the more daring kind to the broader kind (while tending to not care that much for the crude type, which tends for my liking to be distasteful). 'If You Could Only Talk' is a good example of one of my personal favourite types.

Is 'If You Could Only Cook's' story quite thin, even for the short running time, and tends to be quite silly? Sure, with a finale that is somewhat on the far-fetched side.

Len Carillo tends to overact a bit, but seems to be having fun.

Marshall though really lets himself go and is restrained and delectable but also amusing. Arthur is even better, cute as a button without being sickly sweet with sparkling comic timing. They have a very warm and affectionate chemistry together, actually think they work well as a romantic pairing, bouncing off each other very entertainingly. Lionel Stander provides a few of the film's best laughs with ease and is never less than very funny, really liked how he used his voice. The direction is assured and doesn't sleepwalk or lets things get strained.

Dialogue sparkles just as much as Arthur's comic timing, maybe even more so. It is some of the best and funniest writing for any comedy seen recently and always treats the viewer with respect. The story has a lively energy and also is respectful and is easy to follow, it is not a perfectly executed story by any stretch but there is enough spark and charm to it. The characters don't bore or irritate while the production values are suitably slick.

Overall, very good and refreshing. Very close to being a gem, let down a little only by some imperfect storytelling and one performance that doesn't completely work. 8/10
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