Put Grand-Daddy Day Care in a Grave
6 April 2020
I wanted to review this movie to warn anyone to never ever force yourself to sit through this movie that has now become the bane of my existence. I even made an IMDb account to do so. This movie is by far the worst excuse of a film I have ever seen - and that is saying a lot, as I've endured classics like Truth or Dare (no, not the Lucy Hale version, the worse 2017 version), After, The Kissing Booth, SPF-18, and #Roxy. I never thought I'd find truly the worst movie I've ever seen - rather, I expected to find a lot of bad movies that I really didn't like - but here I am, writing this review. To begin, the lack of un-originality in this movie disgusts me on a level I never knew I could be disgusted on. It is basically the same exact plot of Daddy Day Care, a just-fine movie that most people regard with fondness. Of course, this was to be expected when I first read the godforsaken title "Grand-Daddy Day Care," but still, I can't believe how just bad this plot line is. If you have ever once watched Daddy Day Care and thought, "hmm, this movie's plot is kind of boring and not really that funny," then please do not ever watch this garbage-can-on-fire film. It is undoubtedly a hundred times worse than the original, whether you like Daddy Day Care or not. Furthermore, I never once laughed during the whole hour and 36 minutes that I sat watching this. The humor was forced in so many places, and I found myself praying to god the jokes that were so unfunny that I would rather cut my ears off than hear them ever again would end. Not to mention, the movie suddenly changes gears and goes to a weird place that I suppose is meant to be heartfelt? But because of how little I cared for each godawful character in this movie, I didn't empathize with the so-called "adversities" these characters were facing. The writers of this movie managed to make even the stars so insignificant that I honestly couldn't recall their names and more than one trait about them if I tried. This movie had absolutely no purpose - I can't even say it was a good attempt at a family film. There was nothing to it; I sincerely wish someone at some point during the filming of this movie suddenly found some common sense and said, "hey, maybe we shouldn't make this movie." That would have not only prevented me from wasting my time, but prevented every actor or person who worked on this disgrace of a film's time as well. All in all, don't watch this movie. Please. Only watch it if movies that leave you both unsatisfied and disgusted, as well as give you a headache and make you cry because of how bad it is, are your thing.
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