Butt Boy (2019)
Not that great.
16 April 2020
I wish I could be as positive about this as the other reviewers, but they're obviously fake.

I'm sure you've read the synopsis by now, so I don't have to explain the movie here. However, others called it original, where as I call it the typical old plot of a killer who can't stop, like it's an addiction, and tries to keep it hidden from everyone else in his life. We've all seen that right? Yeah, just take that formula and oddly make the way the killer does his victims in is by sticking them up his butt!

Comedy? The premise and reading of the story is funny, but there are no jokes in the movie. After the first ten minutes, the joke has worn off and the movie plays it straight the whole time. I wouldn't call it a comedy or dark comedy outside of anything else. There's no laugh moments.

Thriller? No, not really. Its actually rather boring for the most part, the lead actor is even more stiff than Adam Driver if you can believe it!

Romance? Don't make me laugh.

Original? Hardly. You wouldn't call a movie that rips off The Wizard of Oz only to make the main character accidentky urinates on the Wicked Witch as an "original new concept"

The acting on the most part is ok, apart from the co-lead (Mr butt boy himself) who has had a charisma bypass. Even tho it can be slow and boring, it's watchable, but it's not something you'd be in a hurry to watch again, if ever. Nor is it a film you cant wait to rush out and highly recommend to everyone. Therfor, it's not a masterpiece or must see, nor is it modern classic or a movie surely to have a cult following as these fake reviews have stated. It's watchable once from start to finish, but then again, if you never see it, you haven't missed anything.

And just incase anyone might get the idea this might be something along the lines of The Greasy Strangler (2016)... think again. Tootie Fruity Disco Cutey this film is not even in the same ballpark of... Nor is it intended to be. Like I said, it's not a comedy... Just a humorous twist that's better in words rather than watching this movie that takes itself seriously with a ridiculous way to make someone go missing.
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