Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Still number 1
4 May 2020
As pretty much everyone knows more or less the theme of Game of thrones I'll give a short review: So, the plot is based on the continent of Westeros which is comprised of 7 kingdoms (The North, The Riverlands, The Eyrie, The Westerlands, The Reach, The Stormlands and the Crownlands), Dorne, The Iron Islands and The land of Always Winter which is divided from the rest by an enormous ice wall. Noble families, who control each kingdom and their bannermen fight over the Iron throne and the control of Westeros. All the while a force of half-dead walkers arise after thousands of years in the Land of Always Winter. The story is mostly based around The Starks (noble family of the North), the Lannisters (noble family of the West and the rulers from the shadows) and the Targaryens (the family that united Westeros with the help of dragons) which was exiled and banished to Essos (another continent). The first 6 seasons are phenomenal! Politics, wars, intrigue, mysteries, pacts and betrayals. A lot of characters are perfectly described psychologically (especially Cersei Lannister, Tyrion and Tywin Lannister, Catelyn Stark and Olenna Tyrell). Yet, season seven was kind of rushed, while season 8 was disappointing to say the least. Anyways, you should definitely watch it! The plot lures you into their world, you become nervous, paranoid, sad and happy and you really attach to the characters.
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