Review of 11.22.63

11.22.63 (2016)
Touched me to the bone
4 May 2020
I am more of a movie lover then a TV show lover, however, this show has touched me in ways I couldn't imagine. Fictional, yet so realistic. The plot is based on a event we all know - The assassination of J. F. Kennedy and a man Jake (James Franco) who lives in the present and who, by a kind of void, travels to the past to save JFK hoping that that move would change the course of history for the better. He encounters a lot of people in his trip, he gets a taste of passed times and falls in love. The story is a excellent example of how the butterfly effect works, one minor event can trigger a series of events in the future and shows how fragile time is. Should definitely watch it, some scenes left me in tears, some in pure rage!
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