Her Crowning Glory review
16 May 2020
John Bunny, American cinema's first - but now forgotten - funny man, plays a wealthy widower who employs the services of a starchy governess (played by Bunny's regular screen partner, Flora Finch) much to the disapproval of his daughter (Helene Costello) and maid (Mae Costello, Helene's Real-life mother). Bunny is a naturally comical figure whose portly physique contrasted well with Finch's stick-thin frame, and they work well together, even though most of the comedy comes from 5-year-old Helene Costello, who would go on to be a major star of the silent screen. Although they reportedly didn't get along, Bunny and Finch made around 250 shorts together before his death in 1915. Sadly, only a handful survive today.
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