The Twilight Zone: The Bard (1963)
Season 4, Episode 18
What's my Tertiary Motivation ?
22 May 2020
Honestly, the only thing I think of when considering this episode is the very strange and very funny take that Burt Reynolds does on Marlon Brando. It's an amusing send up of the typical coddled, self-obsessed and psychiatrically-tortured method actor as personified by Brando in those days. It's also a reminder of how much they really did look alike when they were younger. Assuming he saw it, this would have driven Brando crazy because, by his own admission, he hated Burt Reynolds and, by the time he became famous in his own right, he considered Reynolds to be the embodiment of everything wrong with the acting profession.

Apart from that, I never really cared for the episode. This is one script that did not benefit from an ability to stretch out in the one hour format and there seem to be a lot that could have been cut out to make it more concise. Weston is pretty funny as the untalented hack writer whose only interest is in making it big ... ya dig ?
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