Loser Comics Kill The Buzz
25 May 2020
This movie would just be average third-rate late-night garbage if it weren't for the two horrible dim-wit losers that provide the un-funny non-comic moments during the whole movie. Michael S. Siegel plays really dumb Rich Terenzi, and Peter Licassi plays his even dumber brother, Paul Terenzi. they were the groupies to the Police Academy loser, played by John Allen Nelson.

The Police Academy movies were in their full glory during the time this crud was made, and it seems like they were going for some Police Academy versus Alien Klowns via the small town vibe from The Blob and many other good science fiction movies.

The hometown lovebirds are played by Grant Cramer and Suzanne Snyder. No surprise that none of these clowns ever had much of a movie star career. Bad movies always seem to throw in the D-level comedians whose parents invested some money in the movie, and the Terenzi brothers really kill any positive vibe every time they pop up to make their insipid comedy contributions. Being dumb is not funny for ninety minutes, but I guess this movie was aiming for the stoner pot-head crowd. Low expectations can only go so far.

The Killer Klowns are entertaining, but this is not ninety minutes worth of fun. It is more like a Three Stooges short film that went way too long. When the Stooges were making movies in the late 1950s, the Killer Klowns would have fit right in.
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