A Perfect Example Of a Pre-WWII Movie
30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I, like probably many of those who reviewed this movie, saw H.M. Pulham, Esq. on TCM. It is a movie all about the various factors and dynamics in traditional adult relationships. I think the word "traditional" needs to be stressed. Perhaps "old-fashion" might even be a better term, old-fashion adult relationships.

Typical of movies of that era, every unmarried person wants to get married. It seems to be an absolute requirement for two people after their first kiss. In some films of that era it comes BEFORE the first kiss. Modern audiences have to just roll with that type of thinking. An eyeroll and a brief chuckle might be acceptable. If that type of mentality derails the film for you then H.M. Pulham, Esq. might not be your cup of tea.

Anyway, the film does not fly along at a rocket's pace. As is the norm for the movies in that time period, the acting is not particularly realistic. The dialogue is just a bit too loud and there is minimal nuance. Not surprising. Brando's film debut was still nearly a decade away.

One thing about the movie that is true-to-life is when feelings are honestly, soberly exchanged between two people concerning their individual life wants and goals, romantic relationships can, and should end. In a nutshell that is what H.M. Pulham, Esq. is really all about, why I gave it a 7 star rating and why I clicked that this review had spoilers.
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