Review of José

José (II) (2018)
Episodic but compelling
8 July 2020
I watched this at home on a TV set. I sometimes wonder what time it is during a film or how much longer we have to go. Not this one though. It really held my attention.

The story follows the protagonist through work, his love life, his relationship with his mum and other family members. Things happen, such as a theft of equipment from the mother and a phone from the lover, that are not followed up in this film of fleeting episodes. It doesn't matter - there is no "plot" as such, just events that unfold linearly but not necessarily consequentially.

It's a sad film overall. We take things for granted in the west about openness and acceptance, but these are not options in Jose's world.

The actors and settings are totally realistic. The moments of physical love, despite the occasionally sordid nature of the locations are happy and joyful. The grind and monotony of daily life kicks back in though.

The way the film ended was unexpected, but when I thought about it, I realised that this, or a similar ending, was unavoidable.

I really liked this film and would recommend it.
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