Rawhide: Incident with an Executioner (1959)
Season 1, Episode 3
Surprising depth
16 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I once read a metaphysical story : 'Not To Narrow , Not To Deep ' by Richard Sale, It was made into a film called 'Strange Cargo'( a stranger title). As the episode unfolded, I pondered that the writer had also read that book; an otherworldly figure( in this case Duryea) , who seems to know the characters innermost secrets , causing much introspection , fear & some repentance in the group. All very engrossing & un-Western like episode - I had surprisingly heard that Rawhide contained such themes - which I why I started watching the series.

The similarities to the aforementioned book end when Durea himself is forced into confronting his own past by Gill at the end.

It's a bit rough around the edges in places , but all things considered Well worth a watch
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