Sealed Cargo (1951)
Technically brilliant, but great sets and photography distracted me from the lack of a story.
22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What is amazing about this movie is that the set is so overcrowded with props that you wonder how everybody was directed to get around. It's Dana Andrews as a fisherman and Claude Rains as a tired ship's captain as well as a beautiful but dull Carla Balenda who is supposed to be the heroine who may or may not be a secret Nazi. The dull plot explodes into an intense conflict in the later half, given some psychological twists in the story that make me ask, where were you all along?

I could see this winning awards for the technical aspects of the film because it is probably one of the most amazing sets and intense photography and musical scores of the early 1950's. Of course, Rains easily pills that film with a very intense performance, as the mystery is developed that you don't know exactly what side he is coming from either. Andrews is always easy on the eye, but Balenda just seems to sleepwalk in her role as if she was overwhelmed by watching Rains emote and by Andrews' beauty. The last two reels of this film is also very exciting, featuring some truly magnificent special effects. It's too bad that the first hour outside the intensity of the sets was such a dud.
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