Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020 Video)
stomach churningly bad!
31 July 2020
Acting 0/10 CGI 0/10 story 0/10 realism 0/10 cast 0/10

oh wow, this isnt just bad, its M&S bad! so we initially see woman in the sea with a great white shark , hitting it on the nose as you would do a puppy for wetting your carpet! then the shark pushes her into a coral, she bleeds and nothing happens! there is a sea station, like a floating village, the roofs are made from palm leaves, never have i known palm trees growing up out of the ocean thousands of miles from land, fresh veg and food aplenty on this man made plot, runnig fresh water the lot! it is just so unreal and unbelievable!

oh then the casting, wow wow wow wow, the famous 5 are all here, white jock, white grumpy woman, black guy with a vest on, the intelligent asian and the camp vegan! im all for diversity but why do we HAVE to have the stereotypical 5 in every movie? these people wouldnt cross paths!!!

so we move on to diving in wet suits amongst massive big sharks who are obviously not hungry! oh dont bother with it , its pathetically awful! this is the a lame effort, the worst movie of 2020 by a long way! AWFUL!
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