Worth watching for nostalgia
22 August 2020
I remember seeing this on tv when I was a young teen, I enjoyed it much more back then. It's pretty corny and after school special in its style, very much a product of the 70's, cheesy. Good nostalgia buzz all the same. Story follows a boy born without an immune system, doomed because of his birth defect to live in a completely sterile environment, never knowing human contact. His parents set up a germ free plastic room in their house and the boy grows up to be teenager John Travolta.

The Brady Bunch dad (Robert Reed) is the dad here again, Travolta is very young, he does a decent job, its just feels awkward to see him acting so childlike, temper tantrums etc. His character is also a bit strange. He falls in love, attempts high school in a spacesuit. The ending is weird, not sure what happens there, one of those and then what?
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