Stractab & Multidementianal...
4 September 2020
I could only conclude this plays out in the mind of someone suffering immense mental torment coupled with severe psychiatric disorders - maybe that was the point!

I can watch Jessie Buckley all day and she is outstanding but: the narrative gave me little or no value and you at least need to have something to hang your hat on - the end completely spoiled the experience, what little there was. Yes, we can all conjure up coded, clever and complex interpretations on a life; distort them to our hearts content - but they need to anchor themselves on something you might reflect on as reality, or we might as well interpret the dreams of pigs to make sense of our own world.

... and if, as several reviews suggest, you need to read the book to get a grasp on what we have seen, or you will see (never had to read the manual for a film before), that need lays fairly and squarely at the table of the director and writers, who were unable to make a successful and satisfactory transfer. It results in a very abstract but ultimately selfish and disconnected illusion.
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