12 September 2020
This movie is quite disturbing, in different ways. First its story. Far from the rest of movies that can be seen, it is a simple story, that could happen to anyone, and of an injustice that nobody's doing about. The system shows no mercy and the people behing follows the procedures. In that, we have a political thriller very contemporary, very realistic of the way a lot people are reacting in their jobs (It isn't at the same scale but I guess anyone had already felt that feeling with administration, companies in charge of parking fines, etc.).

It is also disturbing because no answer is made whatsoever to this injustice. Nobody's trying to understand, trusting fully that the system is right and that if something happens, it is truly deserved. No need to even meet the man you're going to commit, by instance. And, contrary to the madhouse of The twelve tasks of Asterix, that madness is hidden, even the reactions of our main character stays confined. This absence of anger, of outburst was quite harsh on me, as this isn't a situation you can be ok for.

Finally, the movie shows in a second part, the effects it has on the main character and the path he has to take to overcome it. If I understand the aim in that, I think this was almost like another movie and did not display the same power. I was also wondering if the first part would not have been more impacting if we didn't see the start of the action in the movie beginning, letting doubt about legitimacy during a while.

You'll maybe ask why I didn't give it a better rating with all what I have said before, but I think that outside the story, this movie is less amazing. Acting is ok, no more. Directing is nothing special and I was definitely expecting more on that part. We even have some scenes that doesn't bring anything in my opinion.
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