Searchers (2016)
8 October 2020
I loved this film. I loved what it did to me! At the outset of the film, the slow, gentle pace and the beautiful minimalist scenery slowed my pulse, made my breathing even, relaxed my muscles. As the film went on, I found myself more and more swept up in the events, until I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat gasping at the finale. The way in which Kunuk introduces a small plot element that reveals a character's psychological landscape right before an extremely long shot featuring natural landscapes is a request for you to ruminate on the emotional, spiritual, and social situations of the characters. To get caught up in their lives. To care about what happens to them. To put you on the EDGE of your seat by the end of this extremely slow-paced film. It's masterful. I've never seen anything else like it.
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