Having a dead aunt return can be a good or a bad thing
19 October 2020
Ellie & Abbie (& Ellie's Dead Aunt) (2020) is an Australian film written and directed by Monica Zanetti.

This is a teen coming-out story, with a twist. Ellie (Sophie Hawkshaw) would like to ask Abbie (Zoe Terakes) to the formal dance. However, she can't quite work up the nerve to do it.

That's where Ellie's dead Aunt Tara (Julia Billington) enters the picture (literally). Ellie can see and hear Tara, and so can we, but no one else can. Tara not only wants to help--she insists on helping. It turns out that if you tell anyone you're lesbian--which Ellie does--and if you have a dead aunt who was lesbian--as Tara was--your dead aunt can return and help you.(Whimsical, but it works in this movie.)

This twist makes the film better than other movies of its type. What makes the movie great is the incredible work done by Julia Billington as Tara. She's a young actor who lights up the screen. It's worth seeing the movie just to watch her at work.

We saw this movie as part of the great ImageOut Rochester LGBTQ Film Festival. (Virtual this year.) The movie has a strong IMDb rating of 7.4. I rated it 8.
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