Devil Hunter (1980)
Junk Ahead!
23 October 2020
While my mind and soul were almost dissolved into the void of total boredom due watching one of those contemporary over-produced but soulless movies (no, I won't reveal the name of that movie, may it be forgotten quick 'n' fast!) I had to do some serious countermeasure - watching El Canibal just felt the right thing to do. Soon, after only a couple of minutes watching this mayhem I felt relieved and revived, strong like a young cannibal god so to say. Yes, the movie is total dreck and schmaltz deluxe, and really bad, but, entertaining if you like to enjoy digging in the dirt: a bunch of cannibals and some boobs, and a man rolling (felt) for minutes over the ground to avoid tons of bullets shot at him, I ask you: what more can a man wish for to be entertained!? Final note: the true mastery of this gem is not meant to be revealed to everyone - may this very secret remain hidden forever for the few chosen ones.
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