4 Reasons To Not Watch This Film
24 October 2020
1. The Devil Has A Name is not an politico-eco-activism dramatization of actual events, and does not compare with Dark Waters, or Erin Brockovich, or Green Zone, or Barry Seal, or Flags of Our Fathers, or Cry Freedom, or The Big Short, or Hotel Rwanda. The Devil Has A Name is a sham, and a shame. 2. The Devil Has A Name leaves scars in the viewer's soul. One of the villains is so psychotically evil in his betrayal of his victims' humanity that the scars he makes land in you, the viewer. This is not the kind of movie you can tell someone, "Watch it and see for yourself!" That would be like saying, "Cut your wrists and see for yourself!" You will be left with scars. That is why I say not to watch this film. 3. The Devil Has A Name is not a dark comedy. It is a distastefully overacted, imbecilic, insult to human intelligence. The world is in the shape it is now due to the best group decisions humans have so far been able to make. Yes, so far we have failed to live up to the name Homo Sapiens, but at least our bad guys pretend to have dignity as we fumble into the consequences of our actions and inactions. The bad guys in The Devil Has A Name are just stupid. 4. The trailer for The Devil Has A Name fundamentally misrepresents the film. The trailer is 100 times better than the film is. Watching the film is a total let down from the trailer's created expectations. This is an unforgivable deception. There are very few films I have not watched to the end. This is one of them. I suggest you don't even start it.
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