Two superb performances in this very quirky film
2 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"They Might Be Giants" is a quirky story and film based on a 1961 London play of the same title. It's a comedy mystery set in New York, in which George C. Scott is Justin Playfair, a retired judge who thinks he's Sherlock Holmes. Joanne Woodard is Dr. Mildred Watson who takes on his case and is intrigued by his cunning and sharp abilities. But the couple soon get into weird situations with some goofy snooping and meetings all around town.

Justin has a brother, Blevins, who is trying to get him committed as insane so that he can gain control of his fortune. Lester Rawlins plays Blevins, and Rue McClanahan plays his wife, Daisy. She likes Justin and gets a thrill and kick out of some of his actions; but she has grown tired of her worrisome husband.

As the story progresses, Holmes takes Mildred under his wing as his sidekick Watson (her last name anyway). In time they fall for each other. Besides the incongruity of their match, the plot has a couple of big holes. One is that Blevins is into what appears to be an underworld element - for what we never find out. And the underworld tries once to bump Justin off. The film never resolves that connection or anything further. And, it's one of those rare movies that ends without an ending.

There is an occasional film - usually a comedy or sci-fi, that doesn't have an ending. It's rare because whatever is the ending of the film has got to be okay or satisfying for the audience. But this film doesn't do it. Because of that, I think it flops as a story and plot. But it does so with two terrific actors giving wonderful performances. Scott and Woodward were each multiple award winning actors in their day, and they work very well together here.

This isn't a comedy with funny dialog. It has some clever lines, but the comedy is generally light and part of the light mystery. It's not a particularly satisfying film, but one in which the audience can just enjoy a couple of superb actors giving excellent performances. This is not for moviegoers or film buffs who absolutely can't stand movies that don't have an ending, but just come to a close.

Here are the best lines of this film.

Watson, "What am I going to do with you?" Justin, "Well, you might try smiling. Nothing much - just once a day or so."
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