Irresistible (I) (2020)
"I look forward to lying to you in the future."
10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ah finally, the scammers get scammed, and the screwers get screwed! While hitting as many politically correct buttons as it can, the film offers a scathing indictment of our traditional political system and how money plays such an integral part of getting someone elected. That one scene of CNN's 'duodecabox' was so poignant; how many times have you watched a political panel where everyone talks at once and you can't tell what anyone is saying? Makes you want to change the channel right there. With perfect poise at the end of the story, Diana Hastings (Mackenzie Davis) looks political consultant Gary Zimmer (Steve Carell) right in the eye and tells him it wasn't personal. One of the best twists you could have expected in this story of consultants gone wild and spending the Benjamins like there was no tomorrow. Not that this is something that would ever happen for real. In that respect, the film calls to mind 2004's "Welcome to Mooseport", in which ex-President Gene Hackman runs for small town mayor against Ray Romano. That one's a little more on the humorous side with a host of well worn former TV celebrities. This one starts out shaping up to be a battle for the heart and soul of Deerlaken, Wisconsin, but quite cleverly results in the winner being the town's own citizens.
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